One way to manage ADHD is to take special medication. Luckily, you can also do without. Behavioral therapy can be a very effective technique at treating ADHD. The goal is to replace negative behaviors with positive ones. Behavioral therapy does this by teaching strategies to improve problem areas like organization, focus and time management in ADHD.
Developing time management skills has a particularly
beneficial effect on the disorder. Not all the popular time management tools are suitable for the condition, however. Thus, digital apps for ADHD are often ineffective as they bring in an extra distraction that significantly reduces chances for a healthy habit to be adopted. This is where physical
ADHD time trackers step in as they offer a much more natural and user-friendly interface while taking a full record of time spent.
Therapy timers such as connected desk timers, time buzzers or flip timers, can be incredibly beneficial for individuals with ADHD in several ways: