After religiously tracking how you spend your time, noting any distractions, prioritizing tasks based on importance, preparing, planning, and organizing, the final and most challenging step to managing your time well is to eliminate distractions. This may seem impossible at first, but it can be done. There are even apps designed to help you remove the digital distraction of social media by locking certain sites during specified times in order to maximize productivity.
Getting rid of distractions is key to entering a work state called flow, during which your productivity and creativity are significantly higher than other times. Although resisting distractions is a difficult task, the resulting increase in productivity is definitely worth it.
TIMEFLIP2 time tracker for work is particularly great in helping you manage time without taking you out of what you are doing.
On the other hand, some distractions may be helpful in managing your time. Say that you're stressed out about something outside of your work. Being productive can distract you from the stresses of every day life outside of work.
Plus, let's not forget that breaks can be a reasonable distraction from work, since they allow individuals to unwind before the next wave of tasks needed to be done. By having a break every so often, you'll eliminate your chances of getting unnecessary distractions during your work.