5 Essential Ways You Can Boost Employee Engagement Using Technology

As a modern-day business, it’s absolutely essential to make sure you’re taking the time to see whether your employees are engaging with your business.
remote work
Image Source: Unsplash
A lack of engagement will indicate far less productive within the different areas, a higher rate of employee turnover, and usually an absence of job satisfaction.

This is not going to work well within your business and will more often than not lead to expensive problems, and ultimately the end of your business. Nevertheless, while boosting how engaged your employees are in your business, plenty of technological solutions exist to help you out.

Today, we’re going to take a look at the five most important and most effective ways you can boost your employee engagement, ensuring your business remains on a path towards success and creates an optimal experience for everyone involved.

1 – Encourage Collaborative Working

Perhaps the best way to get people interested in working within your business is to use technology to bring people together to create more of a community with what you do. For example, using tools that allow people to comment on projects, delegate tasks seamlessly, and overall work together can help create an enhanced team environment.

Of course, the more everybody is working together as a team, the more satisfaction they’ll get because the less isolated they are. There’s also no denying that social media and instant chat platforms like Slack, Discord, and Skype will help to boost this feeling.
Online meeting
Image Source: Gettyimages
With everybody capable of interacting together, you can start implementing a process like file sharing, note-taking on improvements (as well as congratulating people publicly when they’ve done an excellent job), and other management tools to help everything run smoothly.

The smoother everything is running; the more likely your employees will be to enjoy what they’re doing. If there is a problem, you’ll have the unique opportunity for lots of people to get involved in suggesting solutions and ways forward.

While too many cooks can spoil the broth, if you introduce these systems and then implement a structured and organized management system (that will depend on the nature and individual circumstances of your business), this is a great way to carry your business towards the realms of success.

2 – Use a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Recognition Service

Recent statistics show that over 43% of all employees in most businesses are unsatisfied with their job because they don't feel like they are given enough respect or recognition for the work they do and what they're able to get done.

If these feelings continue for an extended period of time, then this is going to result in an ever-increasing amount of dissatisfaction for the business, and productivity and success will get worse and worse.

However, by implementing some more recent P2P recognition platforms and services into your business, as we spoke about above, you'll be able to encourage everyone to become even more supportive of one another, which ultimately leads to a happier and more productive work environment.

This needs to be implemented on all levels of your business. For example, even if you have managers who are disinterested in the company and show an inability to give praise where it's due, this system works well because it encourages other employees, even same level employees, to give that praise.

This is especially important if you're working with millennials and generation X, Y and Z employees because they thrive on recognition. While it may be difficult for older generations to understand, especially those with a 'just get on with it' kind of attitude, this is simply the way the world is.

"If you're able to recognize the efforts of your younger generation staff force, your employee base will quickly become a force to be reckoned with, so make sure you're investing time in seeing how well this will work," shares Benjamin Prescott, a project manager for Eliteassignmenthelp and Revieweal.

3 – Implement Gamification Techniques

So we're on the same page, Gamification refers to the process of turning a work process into a game. For example, in the language learning app Duolingo, you're awarded points for completing specific tasks.

These points can then be used to unlock certain content, as well as adding up to place you on a leader board where you compete against your friends, and if you want, the rest of the world.

This is a great way to introduce technology to make working fun and to add an edge of friendly competition which is a great way to enhance productivity and raise the output levels of your business.
Working fun
Image Source: Unsplash
This is another excellent way to increase employee engagement because you’ll get everybody talking amongst one another and it helps to build a community within your business. This is an especially effective solution when you’re trying to train your staff, and you want to encourage them to learn more.

In this example, you could run a leader board and give employees points for every training exercise they complete. Whoever has the most points by the end of a certain defined period of time will win a prize! Happy, fun and straightforward!

4 – Give Your Employees Technological Freedom

Another great way to get your employees excited about working in your business is by allowing them to introduce and use their own ways of worыking. Thanks to the nature of most software and platforms, files are interchangeable and are compatible with different services.

With this in mind, to a certain extent, you'll be able to allow people to bring in their own software and computer systems to work on, meaning people will be a lot more comfortable with what they're doing.

"For example, if someone loves using Photoshop, but someone else prefers using GIMP, with strong management roles in place, tasks can be delegated, and ultimately both team members will be able to work effectively to the best of their own abilities," shares Nina Turner, a marketer for OXEssays.

Of course, there are security concerns you'll want to think about when it comes to allowing people to use their own technology, so make sure you're following basic and advanced security procedures and using protective tools, like antivirus or VPN for mobile devices to protect your business.

5 – Invest in Mobile Learning Platforms

The life of a modern-day employee is a busy one, and it’s important to make sure you’re taking the time to realize how important learning, especially continuous learning, is in the lives of these employees.

However, with such busy schedules, it’s not always easy to fit in the time. This is why it’s vital to make sure you’re offering your training programs and learning materials to your employees in a mobile format. This is crucial.
Mobile Learning
Image Source: Unsplash
This is because you can easily allow your employees to train anywhere, whether that’s in work time or not. This ensures that when your employees are engaged with a certain task, you don’t need to break things up to take them away to go training, because they can simply do it whenever.

This helps to motivate and encourage focus and productivity on the task at hand. If you then introduce this point with other points in this list, such as gamification, this approach can work really well. This technique will work especially with younger generations and workforces.
  • Madeline Miller
    Tech writer at Research paper writing and writer for Bigassignments, is involved in many business projects. Madeline enjoys identifying project problems and find solutions for these, and her goal is to improve the effectiveness of our communication. She also writes for Coursework help services blog.
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